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xov xwm

Cov tuam txhab roj thoob ntiaj teb tau nkag mus rau hauv kev ua lag luam nrog cov ntaub ntawv siab, thiab kuv lub teb chaws txoj kev lag luam them nyiaj tau coj mus rau lub sijhawm qhov rais rau kev sib kis.

"Nyob rau yav tom ntej, Shell yuav siv zog los nqis peev hauv cov chaw nres tsheb fais fab, tshwj xeeb hauv Asia." Tsis ntev los no, Shell CEO Vael? Wael Sawan tau hais hauv kev xam phaj nrog American Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC).

Vael? Sawan tau hais tias: "Kev nkag mus ntawm cov neeg siv lub tsheb hluav taws xob hauv Suav teb yog siab heev, thiab kev lag luam xav tau rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tau nce zuj zus. Peb pom tias tus naj npawb ntawm peb lub tsheb hluav taws xob them cov neeg siv khoom yog ob npaug ntawm cov neeg siv khoom siv hluav taws xob sab hauv. Plhaub muaj 46,000 qhov chaw nres tsheb roj thoob ntiaj teb, thiab peb tuaj yeem them tag nrho cov chaw nres tsheb nyob hauv cov chaw nres tsheb roj. "

Tsom ntsoov rau Tuam Tshoj txoj kev them nyiaj ua lag luam

Ntxiv nrog rau Shell cov lus tshaj tawm ntawm "sib koom lub ncuav mog qab zib", lwm lub tuam txhab muaj npe nrov thoob ntiaj teb kuj tseem ua haujlwm ntsiag to thiab pib tsim cov khoom lag luam hauv Suav teb.

Ntawm cov tuam txhab roj thoob ntiaj teb, Total Energy muaj ntau hom kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb uas muaj cov pa roj carbon tsawg. Tag Nrho Zog cov kev nqis peev hauv Suav teb suav nrog cov roj av, hnub ci zog, lub zog khaws cia, roj nplua nyeem, chaw nres tsheb roj, them pawg, kev pabcuam tsheb thiab lwm yam haujlwm.

Nyob rau hauv lub tshav pob ntawm kev them nyiaj, thaum kawg ntawm 2021, Tuam Tshoj Peb Gorges Group thiab Tag Nrho Zog tau tsim "Peb Gorges Total Energy Charging Company" hauv Wuhan, Hubei. An Songlan, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Tag Nrho Zog (Tuam Tshoj), tau hais tias los ntawm 2025, lub tuam txhab yuav Hubei Xeev tau teeb tsa thiab ua haujlwm ntau dua 11,000 lub zog them hluav taws xob ntau.

 ntsia thiab ua haujlwm ntau th1

Nyob rau lub Peb Hlis xyoo no, tus thawj coj ntawm Tuam Tshoj Peb Gorges Corporation tau sib tham nrog Pan Yanlei, tus thawj coj thiab CEO ntawm Total Energy. Pan Yanlei tau hais meej tias nws cia siab tias ob tog yuav koom tes txuas ntxiv hauv kev lag luam hluav taws xob them nqi tsheb.

British Petroleum (BP) yeej ib txwm yog tus thawj coj hauv kev nthuav dav nws txoj kev lag luam tshiab lub zog, thiab nws cov txheej txheem them nqi tsis poob qab.

Kev siv hluav taws xob yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm bp txoj kev lag luam hauv kev lag luam mobile, thiab nws tau raug tso tawm ntau xyoo dhau los. Nws tau ua tiav kev nqis peev hauv cov tuam txhab cuam tshuam xws li Chargemaster, UK lub tuam txhab hluav taws xob loj tshaj plaws them nyiaj, StoreDot, lub tuam txhab Israeli ultra-fast charging roj teeb, thiab Freewire Technologies, lub tuam txhab them nyiaj mobile. Tsis tas li ntawd, bp kuj tau nqis peev hauv Weilai Capital USD Fund thiab Suav pib PowerShare Technology. Hauv xyoo tas los no, cov txiaj ntsig kev nqis peev tau maj mam tshwm sim.

BP hais tias nws yuav muaj ntau dua 100,000 cov ntsiab lus them nqi pej xeem tau teeb tsa thoob ntiaj teb los ntawm 2030.

Ib lub sijhawm ntawm kev sib tw yuav nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ces kaum.



Sichuan Green Science & Technology Co., Ltd.


0086 19302815938


Post lub sij hawm: Dec-18-2023